83. Barbara Krakauer’s Legacy and Memory: With Katie Kresek, Barbara Podgurski and Colin Pip Dixon

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83. Barbara Krakauer's Legacy and Memory: With Katie Kresek, Barbara Podgurski and Colin Pip Dixon

Barbara Krakauer taught violin in New York during the year and then took her students to Provence France each summer for a three week retreat or “Stage” as the French name it. Katie Kresek and Colin Pip Dixon are two violinists who studied with Mrs. Krakauer in their youth, attended the Stage multiple summers and in their early adulthood assisted Barbara Krakauer in lessons in New York and France. Barbara Podgurski is a pianist that became Mrs. Krakauer’s pianist for lessons and recitals in both locations. The three musicians have become successful musicians. Now it’s their turn to curate the next generation of musicians: They are reviving the Stage in Barbara Krakauer’s name after twenty years.

More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

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