39. The Next Thing

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39. The Next Thing

Humans learn in linear or progressive patterns. And culture sparks trends in a linear fashion too. What’s getting the most popularity these days? Where is it coming from? More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

38. Spotlight on the Theorbo- with Chatham Baroque’s Scott Pauley

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38. Spotlight on the Theorbo- with Chatham Baroque's Scott Pauley

If you like the guitar, you’ll want to hear this expanded lute with its bass strings that play an octave below the bass clef staff. Fun fact: theorbos often do the duty of a harpsichord – and it’s more portable. Scott gives us a history of the instrument and a glimpse of what its like to prepare for the Handel Opera Ariodante with Pittsburgh Opera. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

37. Music Licensing: A Primer with Nick Carlin

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37. Music Licensing: A Primer with Nick Carlin

Nick navigates the minefields of protecting your rights as a composer, recording artist and creator, as well as avoiding infringement on other artists’ work. As a partner at Phillips, Erlewine, Given & Carlin, Nick tells us about cases his firm litigated for artists and recording labels. This episode outlines composition, sound recording, master, synchronization, theatrical and print licenses. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

36. Our Diminishing Attention

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36. Our Diminishing Attention

Spotify and Tik Tok want us to shorten our expectations. They want listeners to pay for seconds, not minutes. Will they get their way? Who benefits from longer musical selections, longer articles and longer books? There’s no shortage of shelf space on the internet. So… it’s about our attention, and everyone wants a piece of it. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

35. Orchestras and AI

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35. Orchestras and AI

Artificial Intellegence, is it an extension of humanity? Does it help mankind get to the next thing? Why would the music industry want to develop bots that can play musical instruments? Will it lead to better art and creativity? These are the questions many are asking in a decade where the power of a computer doubles every two years, maybe less. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

34. Getting Famous

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34. Getting Famous

Today’s social media seems to push people to put themselves out in the world. And most of us musicians seek some level of fame. But just how much fame does one need to have a successful career as a classical musician? More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

33. Telling your Story

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33. Telling your Story

When you market your music, you tell a story about who you are and why your audience should come to your concert. But every marketer in every business does the same- or at least they should. Besides being a high quality event you are weaving a story that will captivate your listeners. Become a story teller in your concerts, on your website and in your music videos. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

32. Stagecraft

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32. Stagecraft

If our audience listens and watches performances in a way that is different from us, we would do well to find how they watch and think, in order to connect with them. Being a watchable musician that draws the audience in- is something that makes the most successful performers have superstar careers. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

31. Robert Schumann Cello Concerto Op. 129

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31. Robert Schumann Cello Concerto Op. 129

One of the last works the great composer wrote embodies all the best traits of his music. Impetuous and intimate, it has been likened to Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’s Dream not only because of a few of the motifs, but the characters the pieces share. Schumann was fond of writing characters into his music, the famed and imaginary Florestan and Eusebius of his younger compositions were representations of his own personality traits: Florestan the passionate side, Eusebius the dreamy and introspective self. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/

30. Pablo Casals and Giving Tuesday

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30. Pablo Casals and Giving Tuesday

The Bach Cello Suites are one of the gifts Pablo gave the world. This week as we celebrate philanthropy in every form, Accelerando gives a nod to the cellist that defined cello playing in the twentieth century. Listen to your favorite artist playing the Bach Cello Suites on any platform or mode…and consider how you wish to honor the charities that move your world forward. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/