The Germans had the word for centuries. In Ancient times, they even thought a bug ground up could treat ear diseases. Today it simply means the music that gets stuck in your head
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The Germans had the word for centuries. In Ancient times, they even thought a bug ground up could treat ear diseases. Today it simply means the music that gets stuck in your head
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People often get a repulsion to sounds. Chalk, dentist drills, even bagpipes. Is this the same as Misophonia? What about ASMR: is it a subset of Misophonia? Today we find out.
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Over the course of your lifetime your auditory complex learns your preferences in terms of what you want to focus on in environment and music. We can make a lot of technical comparisons like the way AI learns our likes and dislikes: Music, Shopping, Foods, and more. Every day our ears filter sounds. And each of us develop our own “playlist” during the course of our lives.
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Perhaps the most distinctive element of music is the one that gives nuance to our daily lives. Our ears never really sleep. They interpret the world, keep us safe, and give ongoing descriptions as we make our way through the day. When you ask yourself what your favorite song or singer or type of music is, consider the timbre.
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The Camera can’t be equated with the Phonograph if you consider artists were capturing images and likenesses for centuries. The phonograph is more like the first canvas that can hold a performance or a moment in perpetuity. It came sixty years after the camera. It’s been here for one hundred years. Now the camera and the digital audio station are about on par. Music hasn’t caught up with art by any means. It’s just getting started.
More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/
This week’s episode makes a wide arc from classical musicians and how they determine authenticity in an orchestral audition scenario, to how non musicians listen to music and determine which artists earn the badge of “authentic” in a variety of genres. More in the show notes at https://accelerandocast.com/show_notes/